I’m Nadine Roppelt and I’m now in my first master’s semester of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology. In my student council, I have been involved in the lecturer award jury, managing the print shop, various appointment committees and as an executive board member. I have already been able to do a lot to improve teaching and represent the interests and concerns of students. I would now like to use this knowledge to advocate for students at a more general level.
A lot has changed at TUM in recent years and this still leaves structural ambiguities. Examples of this are the conversion from faculties to schools and the new tuition fees. I would like to do my bit to ensure that these changes are made in the best possible way for students.
Hi, I’m Johannes Boss, 22 years old and I’m in my 6th semester of B.Sc. political science. I’ve been involved in the student council/student representatives in one way or another since the beginning of my studies. Since my department is also an independent university due to historical circumstances, I was able to gain experience with senate work there relatively early on and then increasingly contribute this knowledge and my enthusiasm to the central student representation. Be it as a delegate on the student council or, for a few months now, as the AStA’s university policy officer.
In the last few months in particular, a number of issues have arisen that are especially close to my heart. The biggest one is probably the tuition fees for non-European students. Abolishing them next year is unrealistic, but as with all new measures, next year in particular will set the course for the future. Things like the use of funds, distribution mechanisms, and general assessment will be big issues next year that I will be keen to get my teeth into.
The other big issue for me is the upcoming reaccreditation of TUM and, above all, the adjustments to the quality management processes that will precede it. I would like to work towards ensuring that every degree program includes at least one module on sustainability, for example.The third big issue I see is appointment committees for new professors, which in my opinion should have a stronger focus on teaching.
I am sure that I can represent your interests in the Senate and look forward to doing my part to improve TUM for all students.

I am Leonid Grützner,
I am studying Civil Engineering in my 6th Bachelor semester and have been involved in the Central Student Representation since my first semester.
I have represented your interests for one and a half years in the Board of Study and Teaching, as well as the last 4 months as a speaker for university policy at the TUM.
In my spare time I am busy with my Bafög application, if there is time left over I also like to play beer pong.
I’m Lisanna Gottwald and I’m in my 6th semester of my Bachelor’s degree in Aerospace. Since my 2nd semester, I have represented the Student Council for Aerospace and Geodesy in the Student Council and have also been an active part of the Central Student Representation for a few months now. I am a member of the student representation on the Board of Study and Teaching. There and in general, it is important to me to advocate for improvements in teaching and the best possible study time for everyone.#

I am Marius Priemer, 21 years old and I am now in my sixth semester of the Bachelor Aerospace.
In the year 22/23, I was already a member of the ED School Council as a student representative. I also coordinated the student representation in various other committees as a university policy officer in the LRG. This year, I had to resign from my positions due to a longer stay abroad and would be delighted to have your trust again next year. I am committed to ensuring that we as a student body are heard and informed in all matters that affect us as students.
I’m Carlotta von Eichhain and I’m in my 6th semester of Nutritional Science. I have been involved in the student council since my first semester and now also in the general student representation. In my role as representative for the Weihenstephan campus, I act as a link between the student council and the Weihenstephan campus.
It is important to me to strengthen the exchange between the campuses to enable better cooperation.